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The ICTP Regional Climate Model (RegCM), originally developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), is maintained in the Earth System Physics (ESP) section of the ICTP. The latest version includes major upgrades in the structure of the code and its pre- and post- processors, along with the inclusion of some new physics parameterizations.


Presentation file:

View file

Building and Running example

The model code is written in Fortran programming language using features up to the 2008 revision of the standard, and thus to compile the model a working Fortran compiler is required, along with the GNU make and the autotools (autoconf/automake/libtool) to create the configure script.


The above diagnostic printout of the surface pressure readings from the model internal status in hPa should show a constant pressure increase throughout the model run of about 10 hPa (mb) per month due to the radiative cooling of the atmosphere.

Tasks and Submissions

To practice with the model, a standard Linux desktop with almost any distribution is enough, but you should use a reduced domain setting by running the model using a different input file, nominally:

Code Block

The above input file will run a much smaller simulation, which concludes in some minutes on my 6 core desktop. For convenience, on a clean Ubuntu installation, the required packages to compile the model using GNU gcc compilers are:

build-essential gfortran libopenmpi-dev libnetcdff-dev

The expected tasks for the competition are:

  1. Build and Run the application with the given input using 4 CPU nodes, submit the best performance to the team’s folder.

  2. Run IPM or another MPI profiler and show the most 3 MPI calls being used, show your work in the teams presentation.

  3. Visualize the output netCDF files (in the output directory) and create video or set of photos based on that using any tool. show your work in the teams presentation. The netCDF output data should contain all the metadata required to use most of the visualization packages.


  1. Compile, build and run the RegCM with the given input and submit the results (standard output).

  2. Bonus task: change jx and iy parameters in the input file to find the maximum size you can fit into the memory of your cluster.

Code Block
iy     = 100,
jx     = 200,