Alternatively, you can disable the communication thread by setting SEISSOL_COMMTHREAD=0
in case if you have issues, but it’s not recommended.
Test Run
After successfully compiling SeisSol, we will test it with a small test case. Clone the pre-computed SeisSol directory by
Code Block |
git clone https://github.com/SeisSol/precomputed-seissol.git |
This directory has a collection of pre-computed scenarios for testing whenever a new feature is implemented. Please navigate to the tpv33 directory in it. The description of the scenario is here: https://strike.scec.org/cvws/download/TPV33_Description_v04.pdf.
Inside, you will notice the mesh file required to simulate the case. You must execute the compiled SeisSol binary with the appropriate MPI, OpenMP setting with
mpirun -n $NUM_RANKS $PATH_TO_SEISSOL_BIN/SeisSol_Release_ARCH parameters.par
This will start the simulation. Once the simulation is done, the folder output has the output of the simulation produced. You could compare the result with the pre-computed folder. For that, either uses paraview to visualise one of the xdmf files in both scenarios or use viewrec(https://github.com/SeisSol/SeisSol/tree/master/postprocessing/visualization/receiver/bin ) to visualise the pick-point receivers in both scenarios.
Tasks and Submissions
Run the application on 4 CPU nodes and submit the results