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code_saturne is the free, open-source multi-purpose software developed primarily by EDF for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applications. It mainly solves the Navier-Stokes equations with scalar transport for 2D, 2D-axisymmetric, and 3D flows, whether steady or unsteady, laminar or turbulent, incompressible or weakly compressible, isothermal or not, using the Finite Volume Method (FVM) approach. A new discretisation based on the Compatible Discrete Operator (CDO) approach can be used for some other physics. A highly parallel coupling library (Parallel Locator Exchange - PLE) is also available in the distribution to couple other software with different physics, such as for conjugate heat transfer and structural mechanics. For the incompressible solver, the pressure is solved using an integrated Algebraic Multi-Grid algorithm and the velocity components/scalars are computed by conjugate gradient methods or Gauss-Seidel/Jacobi/Krylov solvers.
Building version 8.3.0
Version 8.3.0 of code_saturne is used. It is built from its github repository, to be found here. After cloning the github repository, creating the configure file, a simple installer
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This version assumes that the following modules are loaded:
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module load intel/2024.0 compiler hpcx/2.19 module load python/3.10 export OMPI_CC=icc export OMPI_CXX=icpc export OMPI_FC=ifort |
The end of the script reads:
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$KERSRC/configure \ --enable-openmp \ --disable-shared \ --disable-gui \ --prefix=$KEROPT \ CC=mpicc FC=ifx CXX=mpicxx CFLAGS="-O3" FCFLAGS="-O3" make -j 12 make install $KEROPT/bin/code_saturne cd $INSTALLPATH |
The code is built as follows:
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git clone cd code_saturne git switch v8.3 ./sbin/bootstrap cd ../ ./ |
If the installation is successful, it should create code_saturne/arch/Linux/bin/code_saturne and other libraries that will make the code properly works, and shows:
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./code_saturne/arch/Linux/bin/code_saturne Usage: ./code_saturne/arch/Linux/bin/code_saturne <topic> Topics: help studymanager smgr bdiff bdump compile config cplgui create gui parametric studymanagergui smgrgui trackcvg update up info run submit symbol2line Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit |
Running the Tiny test case
The tiny test case tutorial (to be used to check that code_saturne is properly installed on a laptop, as it relies on the GUI) has been tailored for version 8.3.0 of code_saturne, and is to be found here, as
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Checking if the code is running fine is also possible. It can be performed using 1 MPI task (or 2 tasks, but this will not be efficient) of an HPC machine, but the whole code_saturne Study has to be copied across from the laptop to the HPC machine, and the job submitted using the queuing system.
Tasks and Submissions
Run the application on 4 CPU nodes and submit the results. Experiment with MPI and OpenMP to find the best results.
Run MPI Profiler to profile the application, which 3 MPI calls are mostly used? present your work in the teams interview ppt slides
Visualize the results, create a short video that demonstrate the given input via paraview or any other tool.
Bonus: Experiment with GPU runs over 4 GPUs, single node. Show your work on the team’s presentation.