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Note: The page may be changed until the competition stats, maybe sure to follow up until the opening ceremony.

Neko presentation to the teams:

Widget Connector

Presentation file:

View file

Building and Running example


  1. Run Neko with the given input

    View file
    (neko on 4 CPU nodes and submit the results to the team’s folder (standard output, field0.f00000, field0.f00001 and field0.nek5000)
    Note: the small input is for you to play around.

  2. Run Neko with the given input on 4 GPUs (V100) and submit the results to the team’s folder (see instructions for GPU support above, and the additional information provided with the input file)

  3. Run IPM profile or any other MPI profile on 4 nodes, and find the 3 most used MPI calls, show your work in the team interview.

  4. Create a visualization short video with Paraview and show it on your team interview

    1. Change nsamples to e.g. 100 in

    2. Download all field0.* files to a machine with Paraview (e.g. your laptop)

    3. Open field0.nek5000 in Paraview, don’t forget to select all “Point Arrays” before pressing “Apply”

    4. Try various filters and representations, for example, iso-surfaces, glyphs or volume rendering

      1. The flow field will show more interesting features if the simulation is allowed to run longer (controlled by T_end in the case file).

    5. To save the final animation, follow the instructions at
