FluTAS (Fluid Transport Accelerated Solver) is an open-source code targeting multiphase fluid dynamics simulations. The key feature of FluTAS is the ability to efficiently run both on many-CPUs and many-GPUs in a single and unified framework.
This framework is also designed to be modular so that it can be extended in a sustainable manner.
Downloading and compiling FluTAS
Download the application:
git clone https://github.com/Multiphysics-Flow-Solvers/FluTAS.git
Builld FFTW library
Choose a built script from src/targets and build the application.
cd FluTAS BASE=$PWD # Edit src/targets/target.generic-intel with your fftw path module load intel/2022.1.2 module load compiler/2022.1.0 module load mkl/2022.0.2 module load hpcx/2.13.0 export CXX=mpicxx export FC=mpif90 export FFTW_DIR=$BASE/fftw-3.3.10 make clean APP=single_phase make ARCH=generic-intel APP=single_phase DO_DBG=0 -j 16
Running Example
# Copy one of examples mkdir run cp -r examples/two_phase_ht/dhc run cd run/dhc # Edit the following line in dns.in to change the process grid. Below will work with 128 cores (2x64 cores) 2 64 ! dims(1:2) EXE=<path>/flutas.two_phase_ht /usr/bin/time mpirun -np 128 $MPIFLAGS $EXE"
Task and submission
to be added