Cluster access request
To get cluster access, submit a form, click here.
Once you have username and can access the login nodes, follow this example here: Getting Started with HPC-AI AC Clusters to allocate GH nodes.
Connect to the lab
Once you got your username, login to the clusters:
$ ssh <userid>
To check available GH nodes using slurm commands.
$ sinfo -p gh PARTITION AVAIL TIMELIMIT NODES STATE NODELIST gh up infinite 8 idle gh[001-008]
Allocate nodes
Please avoid allocating nodes interactively if possible or set the time limit short because we are sharing the resources with multiple users.
$ salloc -N 2 -p gh --time=1:00:00
To submit a batch job
$ sbatch -N 4 -p gh --time=1:00:00 <slurm script>
When you login you are in the $HOME. There is also extra scratch space.
Please run jobs from the scratch partition. It is a Lustre filesystem and it is mounted over InfiniBand.
nfs home -> /global/home/users/$USER/ Lustre -> /global/scratch/users/$USER/