MetaHipMer 2.0 for ISC21
MHM2 Lecture
Download the Slides here:
Getting Started
Build and Install upcxx
Download MHM2 and UPCXX from and .
$ ls
mhm2-2.0.0.tar.gz upcxx-2020.3.2.tar.gz
2. uncompress
$ tar xf mhm2-2.0.0.tar.gz
$ tar xf upcxx-2020.3.2.tar.gz
$ ls
mhm2-2.0.0 mhm2-2.0.0.tar.gz upcxx-2020.3.2 upcxx-2020.3.2.tar.gz
3. Follow the guidelines here to build, make and install UPC++, load relevant compilers and environment variables, make sure the compilers you use are above the basic version required:
$ gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-redhat-linux
Configured with: ../configure --enable-bootstrap --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,lto --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-bugurl= --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --enable-checking=release --enable-multilib --with-system-zlib --enable-__cxa_atexit --disable-libunwind-exceptions --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-linker-build-id --with-gcc-major-version-only --with-linker-hash-style=gnu --enable-plugin --enable-initfini-array --with-isl --disable-libmpx --enable-offload-targets=nvptx-none --without-cuda-driver --enable-gnu-indirect-function --enable-cet --with-tune=generic --with-arch_32=x86-64 --build=x86_64-redhat-linux
Thread model: posix
gcc version 8.3.1 20191121 (Red Hat 8.3.1-5) (GCC)
$ g++ -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-redhat-linux
Configured with: ../configure --enable-bootstrap --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,lto --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-bugurl= --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --enable-checking=release --enable-multilib --with-system-zlib --enable-__cxa_atexit --disable-libunwind-exceptions --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-linker-build-id --with-gcc-major-version-only --with-linker-hash-style=gnu --enable-plugin --enable-initfini-array --with-isl --disable-libmpx --enable-offload-targets=nvptx-none --without-cuda-driver --enable-gnu-indirect-function --enable-cet --with-tune=generic --with-arch_32=x86-64 --build=x86_64-redhat-linux
Thread model: posix
gcc version 8.3.1 20191121 (Red Hat 8.3.1-5) (GCC)
4. cd and configure
$ cd upcxx-2020.3.2
$ mkdir build upcxx_install ; cd build
$ ../configure --prefix=<path-to-dir>/upcxx-2020.3.2/upcxx_install --with-cc=gcc --with-cxx=g++
5. Check the Makefile the was created in the build directory:
# This file is generated by the UPC++ configure script
# Modifications to this file may be overwritten
# Configure command: ../configure --prefix=/global/home/users/ophirm/hpcperf/centos-7/benchmarks/ISC21/mhm2//upcxx-2020.3.2/upcxx_install --with-cc=gcc --with-cxx=g++
ifneq ($(firstword $(sort $(MAKE_VERSION) 3.80)), 3.80)
$(error GNU Make 3.80 or newer required, but this is $(MAKE_VERSION))
export prefix=/global/home/users/ophirm/hpcperf/centos-7/benchmarks/ISC21/mhm2/upcxx-2020.3.2/upcxx_install
export upcxx_src=/global/home/groups/hpcperf/centos-7/benchmarks/ISC21/mhm2/upcxx-2020.3.2
export upcxx_bld=/global/home/groups/hpcperf/centos-7/benchmarks/ISC21/mhm2/upcxx-2020.3.2/build
export UPCXX_BASH=/bin/sh
export UPCXX_PYTHON=/usr/bin/env python3
export GMAKE=/usr/bin/gmake
export GMAKE_SHORT=gmake
export CONFIG_CC=/usr/bin/gcc
export CONFIG_CXX=/usr/bin/g++
export GASNET=/global/home/users/ophirm/hpcperf/centos-7/benchmarks/ISC21/mhm2/upcxx-2020.3.2/build/bld/GASNet-2020.3.0
export GASNET_TYPE=source
export CROSS=
export UPCXX_CSUMCMD=shasum
export UPCXX_DBGOPT=debug opt
export GASNET_UNPACKED=/global/home/users/ophirm/hpcperf/centos-7/benchmarks/ISC21/mhm2/upcxx-2020.3.2/build/bld/GASNet-2020.3.0
export UPCXX_CUDA=
include $(upcxx_src)/bld/Makefile.rules
6. Make and check
$ make -j16 all
$ make check
Building dependencies...
Compiling and running tests for the default network, NETWORKS='smp'.
Please, ensure you are in a proper environment for launching parallel jobs
(eg batch system session, if necessary) or the run step may fail.
PASSED compiling 15 tests
PASSED running 15 tests
7. Make install
$ make install
$ ls bin upcxx upcxx-meta upcxx-run
8. Export upcxx bin to PATH
$ export PATH="<path>/upcxx-2020.3.2/upcxx_install/bin:$PATH"
Build and Install mhm2
1. cd to mhm2 directory
$ cd ../../../mhm2-2.0.0
2. Follow the guidelines here to build, make and install MHM2.
$ module load cmake/3.16.4
3. Export UPCXX network variables, not mandatory, as part of the build scripts supplied with the code, “Release” option should over that.
export UPCXX_NETWORK=ibv
4. Continue with the build script supplied with mhm2 sources
#!/bin/bash -login
set -e
echo $rootdir
rm -rf $INSTALL_PATH/bin/mhm2
if [ "$1" == "clean" ]; then
rm -rf .build/*
# if this isn't removed then the the rebuild will not work
rm -rf $INSTALL_PATH/cmake
exit 0
mkdir -p $rootdir/.build
cd $rootdir/.build
if [ "$1" == "Debug" ] || [ "$1" == "Release" ] || [ "$1" == "RelWithDebInfo" ]; then
rm -rf *
rm -rf $INSTALL_PATH/cmake
make -j ${MHM2_BUILD_THREADS} install
echo "Build took $((SECONDS))s"
Run mhm2
In this example, we used slurm script to spawn the executable (Using this input file)
#!/bin/bash -login
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#SBATCH -p iris
#SBATCH --nodes=4
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=40
#SBATCH --threads-per-core=1
#SBATCH -J mhm2
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH -d singleton
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M)
ulimit -s unlimited
# OpenMP settings
export PATH=$BASE/mhm2-2.0.0/install/bin:$BASE/upcxx-2020.3.2/upcxx_install/bin:$PATH
export GASNET_IBV_PORTS="mlx5_0:1"
input=$BASE/input/arctic_sample_0.fq -r $input --checkpoint=no <-- You can add -v for verbosity
Output Example for arctic_sample_0.fq on 4 skylake nodes:
$ cat slurm-83452.out
Found 40 cpus and 1 hyperthreads from lscpu
Found tasks per node from SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE= 40
Executing mhm2 with job 83452 (mhm2) on 4 nodes.
Executing as: /global/scratch/groups/hpcperf/ISC21/mhm2/run/../ibv/mhm2-2.0.0/install/bin/ -r /global/scratch/groups/hpcperf/ISC21/mhm2/run/arctic_sample_0.fq
Found tasks per node from SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE= 40
2020-10-15 18:17:27.111090 executing:
upcxx-run -n 160 -N 4 -shared-heap 10% -- /global/scratch/groups/hpcperf/ISC21/mhm2/run/../ibv/mhm2-2.0.0/install/bin/mhm2 -r /global/scratch/groups/hpcperf/ISC21/mhm2/run/arctic_sample_0.fq
Started executing at 2020-10-15 18:17:28.965530 with PID 5096
Set Lustre striping on the output directory
Set Lustre striping on the per_thread output directory
MHM2 version with upcxx-utils built on 20201009_164527
reads = /global/scratch/groups/hpcperf/ISC21/mhm2/run/arctic_sample_0.fq
kmer-lens = 21 33 55 77 99
scaff-kmer-lens = 99 33
min-ctg-print-len = 500
output = mhm2-run-arctic_sample_0-n160-N4-201015181728
checkpoint = true
Starting run with 160 processes on 4 nodes at 10/15/20 18:17:28
Pinning to logical cpus: process 0 on node 0 pinned to cpu 0
Total size of 1 input file is 836.79MB
Initial free memory across all 4 nodes: 725.25GB (181.31GB avg, 181.31GB min, 181.32GB max)
Starting with 181.31GB free on node 0
Merging reads 0.42 s
Completed initialization in 0.57 s at 10/15/20 18:17:29 (180.38GB free memory on node 0)
Contig generation k = 21
Analyzing kmers 1.23 s
Traversing deBruijn graph 2.26 s
Dumping contigs 0.48 s
Aligning reads to contigs 1.28 s
Locally extending ends of contigs 1.46 s
Dumping contigs 0.35 s
Assembly statistics (contig lengths >= 500)
Number of contigs: 12634
Total assembled length: 9941407
Average contig depth: 6.53026
Number of Ns/100kbp: 0 (0)
Max. contig length: 4636
Contig lengths:
> 1kbp: 3038276 (30.56%)
> 5kbp: 0 (0.00%)
> 10kbp: 0 (0.00%)
> 25kbp: 0 (0.00%)
> 50kbp: 0 (0.00%)
Completed contig round k = 21 in 7.09 s at 10/15/20 18:17:36 (173.35GB free memory on node 0)
Contig generation k = 33
Analyzing kmers 1.31 s
Traversing deBruijn graph 2.22 s
Dumping contigs 0.28 s
Aligning reads to contigs 1.23 s
Locally extending ends of contigs 1.41 s
Dumping contigs 0.40 s
Assembly statistics (contig lengths >= 500)
Number of contigs: 17463
Total assembled length: 18092193
Average contig depth: 4.24641
Number of Ns/100kbp: 0 (0)
Max. contig length: 15769
Contig lengths:
> 1kbp: 9714981 (53.70%)
> 5kbp: 1196173 (6.61%)
> 10kbp: 215136 (1.19%)
> 25kbp: 0 (0.00%)
> 50kbp: 0 (0.00%)
Completed contig round k = 33 in 6.87 s at 10/15/20 18:17:43 (173.09GB free memory on node 0)
Contig generation k = 55
Analyzing kmers 1.13 s
Traversing deBruijn graph 1.97 s
Dumping contigs 0.61 s
Aligning reads to contigs 1.03 s
Locally extending ends of contigs 1.93 s
Dumping contigs 0.39 s
Assembly statistics (contig lengths >= 500)
Number of contigs: 18025
Total assembled length: 18902365
Average contig depth: 3.21746
Number of Ns/100kbp: 0 (0)
Max. contig length: 16538
Contig lengths:
> 1kbp: 10355676 (54.79%)
> 5kbp: 1246953 (6.60%)
> 10kbp: 223051 (1.18%)
> 25kbp: 0 (0.00%)
> 50kbp: 0 (0.00%)
Completed contig round k = 55 in 7.09 s at 10/15/20 18:17:50 (172.88GB free memory on node 0)
Contig generation k = 77
Analyzing kmers 1.05 s
Traversing deBruijn graph 1.78 s
Dumping contigs 0.21 s
Aligning reads to contigs 0.83 s
Locally extending ends of contigs 1.71 s
Dumping contigs 0.23 s
Assembly statistics (contig lengths >= 500)
Number of contigs: 18149
Total assembled length: 19025787
Average contig depth: 2.54331
Number of Ns/100kbp: 0 (0)
Max. contig length: 16538
Contig lengths:
> 1kbp: 10435412 (54.85%)
> 5kbp: 1238177 (6.51%)
> 10kbp: 231531 (1.22%)
> 25kbp: 0 (0.00%)
> 50kbp: 0 (0.00%)
Completed contig round k = 77 in 5.84 s at 10/15/20 18:17:56 (172.45GB free memory on node 0)
Contig generation k = 99
Analyzing kmers 0.91 s
Traversing deBruijn graph 1.59 s
Dumping contigs 0.24 s
Dumping contigs 0.30 s
Assembly statistics (contig lengths >= 500)
Number of contigs: 17984
Total assembled length: 18955469
Average contig depth: 2.09242
Number of Ns/100kbp: 0 (0)
Max. contig length: 16536
Contig lengths:
> 1kbp: 10467305 (55.22%)
> 5kbp: 1309406 (6.91%)
> 10kbp: 245295 (1.29%)
> 25kbp: 0 (0.00%)
> 50kbp: 0 (0.00%)
Completed contig round k = 99 in 3.06 s at 10/15/20 18:17:59 (171.82GB free memory on node 0)
Scaffolding k = 99
Aligning reads to contigs 0.64 s
Traversing contig graph 0.46 s
Assembly statistics (contig lengths >= 500)
Number of contigs: 18102
Total assembled length: 19311716
Average contig depth: 4.23073
Number of Ns/100kbp: 0 (0)
Max. contig length: 16536
Contig lengths:
> 1kbp: 10837393 (56.12%)
> 5kbp: 1458915 (7.55%)
> 10kbp: 259292 (1.34%)
> 25kbp: 0 (0.00%)
> 50kbp: 0 (0.00%)
Dumping contigs 0.45 s
Completed scaffolding round k = 99 in 1.62 s at 10/15/20 18:18:00 (168.75GB free memory on node 0)
Scaffolding k = 33
Aligning reads to contigs 1.28 s
Traversing contig graph 0.73 s
Assembly statistics (contig lengths >= 500)
Number of contigs: 18360
Total assembled length: 27651381
Average contig depth: 7.21741
Number of Ns/100kbp: 0.0759456 (21)
Max. contig length: 71617
Contig lengths:
> 1kbp: 20642175 (74.65%)
> 5kbp: 6289130 (22.74%)
> 10kbp: 3476308 (12.57%)
> 25kbp: 997631 (3.61%)
> 50kbp: 240837 (0.87%)
Completed scaffolding round k = 33 in 2.14 s at 10/15/20 18:18:03 (168.47GB free memory on node 0)
Dumping contigs 0.45 s
Assembly statistics (contig lengths >= 500)
Number of contigs: 18360
Total assembled length: 27651381
Average contig depth: 7.21741
Number of Ns/100kbp: 0.0759456 (21)
Max. contig length: 71617
Contig lengths:
> 1kbp: 20642175 (74.65%)
> 5kbp: 6289130 (22.74%)
> 10kbp: 3476308 (12.57%)
> 25kbp: 997631 (3.61%)
> 50kbp: 240837 (0.87%)
Completed finalization in 0.45 s at 10/15/20 18:18:03 (168.48GB free memory on node 0)
Stage timing:
main.cpp:Merge reads: 0.42 s
main.cpp:Analyze kmers: 5.63 s 5 count
main.cpp:Traverse deBruijn graph: 9.82 s 5 count
main.cpp:Alignments: 6.30 s 6 count
-> main.cpp:Kernel alignments: 0.40 s
main.cpp:Local assembly: 6.51 s 4 count
main.cpp:Traverse contig graph: 1.20 s 2 count
FASTQ total read time: 0.0157606
merged FASTQ write time: 0.282843
Contigs write time: 4.39638
Peak memory used across all 4 nodes: 51.47GB (12.87GB avg, 12.72GB min, 13.01GB max)
Finished in 35.21 s at 10/15/20 18:18:04 for
Overall time taken (including any restarts): 38.04 s
We will look for the total time it took:
Overall time taken (including any restarts): 38.04 s
And the accuracy of the results.
Tuning Options
You are allowed to change any gasnet or upcxx configuration as long as the results come out correctly. We will supply a tool to check that.
Input File
The input file for the competition can be downloaded here.
ISC21 SCC Tasks
Build and Install UPCXX
Build and Install MHM2
Run MHM2 for the given input (to be given to you at the competition day)
Submit the output file and the results folder.
Note: You will need to supply results on both clusters, Niagara and Aspire-1 (4 CPU nodes only).
The output of MHM2 is probabilistic, so we don't expect identical results each time. However, the results should not differ dramatically from one run to the next. For validation, you can run a script
, found in the ci
directory in the mhm2 repo. That script will download a small dataset, assemble it with MHM2, and compare the results with expected results. you can look at the contents of the script to get an idea of how the validation is done.
For this competition MHM2 should be running only on CPUs.