HowTo Setup Fluent 19.0 with HPC-X 2.2 MPI

This procedure show how to set Fluent 1.9 and accelerate it using HPC-X 2.1 based on OpenMPI 3.0 over IB EDR network.



1. Get the binaries and and Install Fluent 1.9 on your login/head nodes. Check the fluent module:

$ module show cfd/fluent/19.0

module-whatis    This module sets up Fluent 19.0 in your environment.
setenv           FLUENT_DIR /global/software/centos-7/modules/apps/cfd/ansys_inc/v190
setenv           FLUENTBENCH /global/software/centos-7/modules/apps/cfd/ansys_inc/v190/fluent/bin/

2. Install on the cluster the latest MLNX_OFED drivers.

$ ofed_info -s

3. Install HPC-X 2.2 , HPC-X could be compiled either using gcc or Intel MPI. You download it here.


As Fluent 1.9 was designed/tested for OpenMPI 1.x , running it with HPC-X MPI based on OpenMPI 3.0 require some changes in the Fluent scripts and libraries.

1. Comment out the my_ic_fleg line from  /ansys_inc/v190/fluent/fluent19.0.0/multiport/mpi_wrapper/bin/mpirun.fl

# my_ic_flag="--mca btl self,sm,openib"

As of Open MPI 3.0, the "sm" BTL is no longer available, and create errors.

case $my_protocol in
            my_ic_flag="--mca btl self,sm,tcp  --mca btl_sm_use_knem 0"
            my_ic_flag="--mca btl self,sm,usnic"
            echo "Error: protocol $my_protocol not implemented for Open MPI"
            exit 1
            my_ic_flag="--mca btl self,sm,gm"
            my_ic_flag="--mca pml ob1 --mca btl self,sm,mx"
            # put MX libs in lib path
            sys_prepend_ld_library_path "/opt/mx/lib64"
#            my_ic_flag="--mca btl self,sm,openib"
## OpenMPI/IB uses rand48() functions. So, any module using rand48() will need to be cautious.

2. Modify the Fluent benchmark script under ~/ansys_inc/v190/fluent/bin/

You need to add single quotation '..' marks around PARA_MPIRUN_FLAGS to be able to pass multiple MPI flags.

Change the following line:

{ $solver_options="$solver_options -mpiopt=$PARA_MPIRUN_FLAGS"; }

info this line

{ $solver_options="$solver_options -mpiopt='$PARA_MPIRUN_FLAGS'"; }


# Setting auto-flush

$old_fh = select(OUT);
$| =1;
select ($old_fh);

 if ($OUT_ONLY == 0)
#  initial cleanup

   unlink $logfile, $outfile, $trnfile, $errfile;
   unlink $casfile, $datfile, $casfile.Z, $datfile.Z, $casfile.gz, $datfile.gz;


   $solver_options="$solver_options -i $JOURNAL";

   if ($FLUENT_INC_PATH ne "")
    { $solver_options="$solver_options -path$FLUENT_INC_PATH"; }

   if ($PARA_CNF ne "")
    { $solver_options="$solver_options -cnf=$PARA_CNF"; }

   if ($PARA_MPIRUN_FLAGS ne "")
    { $solver_options="$solver_options -mpiopt='$PARA_MPIRUN_FLAGS'"; }

   if ($nprocs eq "serial")

Slum Script Creation

1.  For the script you need to create hostfile file with all relevant hostfiles you wish to use for the -cnf=hostfile flag on Fluent script. You can either run create it by itself, or add it to the slurm script.

For Example:

$ srun -p helios -l --nodes=2 /bin/hostname | sort -n | awk '{print $2}' > hostfile
$ cat hostfile

2. Add soft links to the OpenMPI 3.0 libraries.



$ rm -f $RUNDIR/lib*.so*
$ ln -s $OMPI_HOME/lib/ $RUNDIR/
$ ln -s $OMPI_HOME/lib/ $RUNDIR/
$ ln -s $OMPI_HOME/lib/ $RUNDIR/

3. Here is a simple example of a slurm script 

srun -l /bin/hostname | sort -n | awk '{print $2}' > hostfile

export FLUENT_ARCH=lnamd64
export ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1055@<license server>

module load hpcx/2.2.0



rm -f $RUNDIR/lib*.so*
ln -s $OMPI_HOME/lib/ $RUNDIR/
ln -s $OMPI_HOME/lib/ $RUNDIR/
ln -s $OMPI_HOME/lib/ $RUNDIR/



/ansys_inc/v190/fluent/bin/ -path=/ansys_inc/v190/fluent/ -ssh -noloadchk -norm -nosyslog  $BENCH -t1024 -mpi=openmpi -pib -cnf=hostfile -mpiopt="-report-bindings -x UCX_NET_DEVICES=mlx5_0:1 -mca btl_openib_if_include mlx5_0:1 -bind-to core -map-by node -mca ras_base_launch_orted_on_hn true"

Note: the flag "-mca ras_base_launch_orted_on_hn true" was needed due to a bug in openmpi-3.1.x and can be removed in the future release.