Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Getting Started

1. Clone the WRF Git

For 4.0 Branch use:

Code Block
$ git clone

For branch use

Code Block
$ git clone --branch V3.9.1.1 

2. Load prerequisite modules


Code Block

4. Configure

Code Block

There are 4 ways to configure for any given platform (one per line, see below)

  • serial - to be run on single processor

  • smpar - to be run with OpenMP on a single node

  • dmpar - to be run with MPI over one or more nodes.

  • dm+sm - to be run hybrid with OpenMP and MPI


NotesYou need to choose the desired build from the menu (e.g. 66 for Intel broadwell) and choose the domain nesting option (e.g. 1)

The nesting options as as follows:

  • basic: any nested domains are fixed (default)

  • preset moves: nested domain may move according to fixed parameters

  • vortex-following: For hurricane model forecasting

Code Block
$ ./configure 
checking for perl5... no
checking for perl... found /usr/bin/perl (perl)
Will use NETCDF in dir: /global/software/centos-7/modules/intel/2019.1.144/netcdf/4.6.2-hpcx-2.4.0
HDF5 not set in environment. Will configure WRF for use without.
PHDF5 not set in environment. Will configure WRF for use without.
Will use 'time' to report timing information
$JASPERLIB or $JASPERINC not found in environment, configuring to build without grib2 I/O...
Please select from among the following Linux x86_64 options:

  1. (serial)   2. (smpar)   3. (dmpar)   4. (dm+sm)   PGI (pgf90/gcc)
  5. (serial)   6. (smpar)   7. (dmpar)   8. (dm+sm)   PGI (pgf90/pgcc): SGI MPT
  9. (serial)  10. (smpar)  11. (dmpar)  12. (dm+sm)   PGI (pgf90/gcc): PGI accelerator
 13. (serial)  14. (smpar)  15. (dmpar)  16. (dm+sm)   INTEL (ifort/icc)
                                         17. (dm+sm)   INTEL (ifort/icc): Xeon Phi (MIC architecture)
 18. (serial)  19. (smpar)  20. (dmpar)  21. (dm+sm)   INTEL (ifort/icc): Xeon (SNB with AVX mods)
 22. (serial)  23. (smpar)  24. (dmpar)  25. (dm+sm)   INTEL (ifort/icc): SGI MPT
 26. (serial)  27. (smpar)  28. (dmpar)  29. (dm+sm)   INTEL (ifort/icc): IBM POE
 30. (serial)               31. (dmpar)                PATHSCALE (pathf90/pathcc)
 32. (serial)  33. (smpar)  34. (dmpar)  35. (dm+sm)   GNU (gfortran/gcc)
 36. (serial)  37. (smpar)  38. (dmpar)  39. (dm+sm)   IBM (xlf90_r/cc_r)
 40. (serial)  41. (smpar)  42. (dmpar)  43. (dm+sm)   PGI (ftn/gcc): Cray XC CLE
 44. (serial)  45. (smpar)  46. (dmpar)  47. (dm+sm)   CRAY CCE (ftn $(NOOMP)/cc): Cray XE and XC
 48. (serial)  49. (smpar)  50. (dmpar)  51. (dm+sm)   INTEL (ftn/icc): Cray XC
 52. (serial)  53. (smpar)  54. (dmpar)  55. (dm+sm)   PGI (pgf90/pgcc)
 56. (serial)  57. (smpar)  58. (dmpar)  59. (dm+sm)   PGI (pgf90/gcc): -f90=pgf90
 60. (serial)  61. (smpar)  62. (dmpar)  63. (dm+sm)   PGI (pgf90/pgcc): -f90=pgf90
 64. (serial)  65. (smpar)  66. (dmpar)  67. (dm+sm)   INTEL (ifort/icc): HSW/BDW
 68. (serial)  69. (smpar)  70. (dmpar)  71. (dm+sm)   INTEL (ifort/icc): KNL MIC
 72. (serial)  73. (smpar)  74. (dmpar)  75. (dm+sm)   FUJITSU (frtpx/fccpx): FX10/FX100 SPARC64 IXfx/Xlfx

Enter selection [1-75] : 66
Compile for nesting? (1=basic, 2=preset moves, 3=vortex following) [default 1]: 1


After the configure, you may edit the configure.wrf file to adjust as needed.

For example:

  • -xHost will not work on AMD

  • AVX2 may need to change to AVx512




  • for Intel Skylake hosts

  • Edit mpicc, remove the “-f90=$(SFC)” option from mpif90 and the “-cc=$(SCC)” option from mpicc


  • for HPC-X (Open MPI) as it doesn’t need those options


build started: Mon Aug 12 16:26:30 PDT 2019
build completed: Mon Aug 12 17:04:50 PDT 2019

---> Executables successfully built <---

-rwxrwxr-x 1 ophirm ophirm 53073520 Aug 12 17:04 main/ndown.exe
-rwxrwxr-x 1 ophirm ophirm 53039128 Aug 12 17:04 main/real.exe
-rwxrwxr-x 1 ophirm ophirm 52062736 Aug 12 17:04 main/tc.exe
-rwxrwxr-x 1 ophirm ophirm 60282704 Aug 12 17:03 main/wrf.exe


  • .

5. Compile

Code Block
./compile wrf

6. Check the run directory

For input, make sure you have

  • Input file: wrfinput_d0* (at least 1) or wrfrst*

  • wrfbdy_d0* (at least 1)

  • namelist.input

7. Check the progress by running tail -f on rsl.out.0000

In this example, we can see that every 15 seconds or weather forecast, takes about 1.7 seconds.

Code Block
$ tail -f rsl.out.0000
WRF V3.9.1.1 MODEL
 Parent domain
 ids,ide,jds,jde            1        1501           1        1201
 ims,ime,jms,jme           -4         195          -4          82
 ips,ipe,jps,jpe            1         188           1          75
DYNAMICS OPTION: Eulerian Mass Coordinate
   alloc_space_field: domain            1 ,              299838928  bytes allocated
 RESTART run: opening wrfrst_d01_2005-06-04_06_00_00 for reading
Timing for processing restart file for domain        1:   54.97731 elapsed seconds
Max map factor in domain 1 =  1.02. Scale the dt in the model accordingly.
d01 2005-06-04_06:00:00 WRF restart, LBC starts at 2005-06-04_00:00:00 and restart starts at 2005-06-04_06:00:00
 LBC for restart: Starting valid date = 2005-06-04_00:00:00, Ending valid date = 2005-06-04_03:00:00
 LBC for restart: Restart time            = 2005-06-04_06:00:00
 LBC for restart: Looking for a bounding time
 LBC for restart: Starting valid date = 2005-06-04_03:00:00, Ending valid date = 2005-06-04_06:00:00
 LBC for restart: Starting valid date = 2005-06-04_06:00:00, Ending valid date = 2005-06-04_09:00:00
 LBC for restart: Found the correct bounding LBC time periods for restart time = 2005-06-04_06:00:00
Timing for processing lateral boundary for domain        1:    0.29368 elapsed seconds
 Tile Strategy is not specified. Assuming 1D-Y
WRF TILE   1 IS      1 IE    188 JS      1 JE     75
Timing for main: time 2005-06-04_06:00:15 on domain   1:    3.07004 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2005-06-04_06:00:30 on domain   1:    1.74579 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2005-06-04_06:00:45 on domain   1:    1.72297 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2005-06-04_06:01:00 on domain   1:    1.73288 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2005-06-04_06:01:15 on domain   1:    1.73057 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2005-06-04_06:01:30 on domain   1:    1.72477 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2005-06-04_06:01:45 on domain   1:    1.73379 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2005-06-04_06:02:00 on domain   1:    1.73048 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2005-06-04_06:02:15 on domain   1:    1.73523 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2005-06-04_06:02:30 on domain   1:    1.72220 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2005-06-04_06:02:45 on domain   1:    1.72852 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2005-06-04_06:03:00 on domain   1:    1.73229 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2005-06-04_06:03:15 on domain   1:    1.72407 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2005-06-04_06:03:30 on domain   1:    1.72634 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2005-06-04_06:03:45 on domain   1:    1.74795 elapsed seconds