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Quantum ESPRESSO (QE) Is an integrated suite of Open-Source computer codes for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale. It is based on density-functional theory, plane waves, and pseudopotentials.
Here is the Introduction presentation video and slides:
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Downloading and compiling QE
You have to register at to download Quantum ESPRESSO v7.1.
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tar xfp qe-7.1-ReleasePack.tar.gz cd qe-7.1 module load intel/2022.3.1 compiler mkl module load git/2.35.2 m4/1.4.19 MPI=impi-2021.7.0 MPI=hpcx-2.14.0 module load $(echo $MdPI | sed -e "s/\-/\//") if [[ "$MPI" =~ ^impi ]]; then export I_MPI_CC=icc export I_MPI_CXX=icpc export I_MPI_FC=ifort export I_MPI_F90=ifort COMP="CC=mpiicc CXX=mpiicpc FC=mpiifort F90=mpiifort MPIF90=mpiifort" SCA="--with-scalapack=intel" elif [[ "$MPI" =~ ^openmpi ]]; then export OMPI_MPICC=icc export OMPI_MPICXX=icpc export OMPI_MPIFC=ifort export OMPI_MPIF90=ifort COMP="CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx FC=mpif90 F90=mpif90" fi ./configure --enable-parallel --prefix=$PWD/../qe-7.1-$MPI \ --enable-openmp \ $SCA $COMP make -j 32 cp pw make install |
Running PWscf (Example)
Download QE benchmarks
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git clone |
Practice with one of the small benchmarks called “AUSURF112” (not part of the online task, just to practice)
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cd benchmarks/AUSURF112 mpirun -np <NPROC> <MPI FLAGS> pw.x -inp |
We will look for the final wallclock time (WALL).
Task and submission
Use QE 7.1 for the benchamarksbenchmark:
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Profile the given input
Use any of the remote clusters to run an MPI profile (such as IPM profile or any other profiler) over 4 nodes, full PPN to profile the given input.
Add to your presentation the 3 main MPI calls that are being used plus the MPI time being used.
Submit the results to the team's folder.
Experiment with 1,2,4+ node runs. Add to your presentation a scalability graph based on your results and any conclusions you came up with. No need to submit those results, just show your work on your presentation for the interview.
Submission and Presentation:
- Submit all the build scripts, standard output, logs and run scripts to the team’s folder.
- No need to submit the output data or source codes.
- Prepare slides for the team’s interview based on your work for this application.
Run the CP benchmark with the given input.
Bonus task - run CP on the PSC cluster using V100 GPUs. Use only 4 GPUs on a single node for the run. Submit the results to the team's folder.