Quantum ESPRESSO for ISC23 SCC (Onsite)

Quantum ESPRESSO for ISC23 SCC (Onsite)



Quantum ESPRESSO (QE) Is an integrated suite of Open-Source computer codes for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale. It is based on density-functional theory, plane waves, and pseudopotentials.



Here is the Introduction presentation video and slides:

Downloading and compiling QE

You have to register at https://www.quantum-espresso.org/download-page to download Quantum ESPRESSO v7.1.

Sample build script:

tar xfp qe-7.1-ReleasePack.tar.gz cd qe-7.1 module load intel/2022.3.1 compiler mkl module load git/2.35.2 m4/1.4.19 MPI=impi-2021.7.0 MPI=hpcx-2.14.0 module load $(echo $MdPI | sed -e "s/\-/\//") if [[ "$MPI" =~ ^impi ]]; then export I_MPI_CC=icc export I_MPI_CXX=icpc export I_MPI_FC=ifort export I_MPI_F90=ifort COMP="CC=mpiicc CXX=mpiicpc FC=mpiifort F90=mpiifort MPIF90=mpiifort" SCA="--with-scalapack=intel" elif [[ "$MPI" =~ ^openmpi ]]; then export OMPI_MPICC=icc export OMPI_MPICXX=icpc export OMPI_MPIFC=ifort export OMPI_MPIF90=ifort COMP="CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx FC=mpif90 F90=mpif90" fi ./configure --enable-parallel --prefix=$PWD/../qe-7.1-$MPI \ --enable-openmp \ $SCA $COMP make -j 32 cp pw make install


Running PWscf (Example)

Download QE benchmarks

git clone https://github.com/QEF/benchmarks.git

Practice with one of the small benchmarks called “AUSURF112” (not part of the online task, just to practice)

cd benchmarks/AUSURF112 mpirun -np <NPROC> <MPI FLAGS> pw.x -inp ausurf.in

Sample output


We will look for the final wallclock time (WALL).

Task and submission


Use QE 7.1 for the benchmark:

Use the following input:

  1. Run the benchmark with the given input.

  2. Submission and Presentation:
    - Submit all the build scripts, standard output, logs and run scripts to the team’s folder.
    - No need to submit the output data or source codes.