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GPAW Overview



GPAW is a density-functional theory (DFT) code based on the projector-augmented wave (PAW) method and various basis sets. The wave functions can be described with:

  • Uniform real-space grids

  • Plane waves

  • Localized atomic orbitals

GPAW is implemented in Python and C programming languages and it relies on high performance libraries for linear algebra operations, FFTs, etc.

Parallelization is primarily with MPI, complementary OpenMP parallelization can improve the performance in some cases.


  • Python 3.6 or later

  • NumPy 1.9 or later (base N-dimensional array package)

  • SciPy 0.14 or later (library for scientific computing)

  • ASE 3.18.0 or later (atomic simulation environment)

  • a C-compiler

  • LibXC 3.x or 4.x

  • BLAS library

  • an MPI library (required for parallel calculations)

Optional, but highly recommended:

Downloading and installing requirements

The required Python packages (NumPy, SciPy, ASE) will be downloaded and installed (if not present in the system) automatically by the GPAW’s installation process, and do not normally need to be separately installed. Typically, LibXC is the only dependency that needs to be separately installed (for BLAS, MPI, etc. one should rely on high performance system libraries). Installing LibXC from source (also package management tools yum, apt etc. can be used when appropriate):

wget --content-disposition$libxc_version/libxc-$libxc_version.tar.gz
tar xzf libxc-$libxc_version.tar.gz
cd libxc-$libxc_version
export CFLAGS="-O3 -fPIC" # -fPIC is needed as libxc will be used from shared library
./configure --prefix=$HOME/libxc/$libxc_version
make install
export CPATH=$CPATH:$HOME/libxc/$libxc_version/include
export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/libxc/$libxc_version/lib

Downloading and installing GPAW

There are several ways to install GPAW, refer to for all options. Here, we recommend installing GPAW from source, version 21.1.0 will be used for the competition.

//download from gitlab
git clone -b 21.1.0
cd gpaw

By default GPAW looks for BLAS library libblas in the default locations, and if it is available installation can be done at simplest with:

export PYTHONUSERBASE=some_installation_root
pip3 install --user --verbose .

For some testing one should install also the optional pytest package

pip3 install --user pytest

By default, the same compiler and compiler options as when building the Python interpreter are used. In HPC systems it is, however, often recommended to customize the installation in order to use other libraries, compilers or compiler options. This can accomplished via file, sample file is provided in As an example, in order to use icc compiler with extra optimization flags and MKL BLAS library one should add into

# compiler
compiler = 'icc'
extra_compile_args = ['-O2', '-xHost', '-qopenmp']
extra_link_args = ['-qopenmp']

libraries += ['mkl_rt']

One should also set the GPAW_CONFIG corresponding to this file:


and proceed then with pip3 install …. (Note: can be also named differently when playing with different installation options, i.e., … )

More information about customizing the installation can be found in GPAW wiki

Once the installation is complete, the PATH variable needs to be set for GPAW bins:


Finally, one needs to install the PAW datasets

gpaw install-data $HOME/gpaw-setups

Testing the installation

Once installation is complete and PYTHONUSERBASE and PATH are set, one can check the installation information as:

gpaw info
| python-3.8.5      /.../python/3.8.5/bin/python3.8                                                          |
| gpaw-21.1.0       /.../lib/python3.8/site-packages/gpaw/                                     |
| ase-3.21.1        /.../lib/python3.8/site-packages/ase/                                      |
| numpy-1.19.2      /.../python/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy-1.19.2-py3.8-linux-x86_64.egg/numpy/ |
| scipy-1.5.2       /.../python/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipy-1.5.2-py3.8-linux-x86_64.egg/scipy/  |
| libxc-5.1.2       yes                                                                                                                         |
| _gpaw-c5b9c0c91b  /.../lib/python3.8/site-packages/      |
| MPI enabled       yes                                                                                                                         |
| OpenMP enabled    yes                                                                                                                          |
| scalapack         yes                                                                                                                         |
| Elpa              no                                                                                                                          |
| FFTW              no                                                                                                                          |
| libvdwxc          no                                                                                                                          |
| PAW-datasets (1)  /home/.../gpaw-setups/gpaw-setups-0.9.20000                                                          |

Next, one should make short serial test calculation

gpaw test

followed by short parallel calculation

mpirun -np 4 gpaw test

GPAW contains also an extensive test set which should be run when developing the code, more details in GPAW wiki

Running GPAW

# load necessary modules, set PYTHONUSERBASE and PATH
mpirun -np <# proc> gpaw python <input>.py

Sample output

  ___ ___ ___ _ _ _
 |   |   |_  | | | |
 | | | | | . | | | |
 |__ |  _|___|_____|  21.1.0

User:   ...
Date:   Fri Nov  6 10:11:47 2020
Arch:   x86_64
Pid:    205184
Python: 3.8.5
libxc:  4.3.4
units:  Angstrom and eV
cores: 320

Input parameters:
  eigensolver: {name: rmm-diis,
                niter: 3}
  h: 0.22
  kpts: [1 1 8]
  maxiter: 1
  mixer: {backend: pulay,
          beta: 0.1,
          method: separate,
          nmaxold: 5,
          weight: 100}
  nbands: -20
  occupations: {fixmagmom: False,
                name: fermi-dirac,
                width: 0.2}
  xc: PBE

System changes: positions, numbers, cell, pbc, initial_charges, initial_magmoms

Initialize ...


Timing:                              incl.     excl.
Hamiltonian:                         0.289     0.000   0.0% |
 Atomic:                             0.000     0.000   0.0% |
SCF-cycle:                         351.855     5.648   1.6% ||
Other:                               1.100     1.100   6.0% |-|
Total:                                       362.262 100.0%

Memory usage: 548.92 MiB

In short benchmarks we will be looking the time for SCF-cycle (neglecting the initialization of the calculation).

GPAW Example on Niagara cluster

Download and Install

There are several ways to install GPAW, refer to for all options.
Here is an basic example with CentOS 7/8:

tar xf gpaw-20.10.0.tar.gz
cd gpaw-20.10.0

//install libxc
wget -O libxc-4.3.4.tar.gz
tar xfp libxc-4.3.4.tar.gz
cd libxc-4.3.4
module load gcc
export CFLAGS="-fPIC"
export CXXFLAGS="-fPIC"
export FCFLAGS="-fPIC"
./configure --prefix=$PWD/install
make install

Note: In case you get the error during installation, export the below variables and rebuild gpaw.

// UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 3215: ordinal not in range(128)

export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"

Building GPAW with Intel compilers:

  1. Create with blow lines.

compiler = 'icc'
mpicompiler = 'mpicc'
mpilinker = 'mpicc'

# - static linking:
xc = '<path>/gpaw-20.10.0/libxc-4.3.4/install/'
include_dirs += [xc + 'include']
extra_link_args += [xc + 'lib/libxc.a']
if 'xc' in libraries:

parallel_python_interpreter = True
scalapack = True
library_dirs += ['$MKLROOT']
libraries = ['mkl_intel_lp64', 'mkl_sequential', 'mkl_core',
             'mkl_lapack95_lp64', 'mkl_scalapack_lp64', 'mkl_blacs_openmpi_lp64']
  1. Install GPAW

module load intel/2020u4
module load hpcx
module load python/3.8.5

pip3 install -v gpaw --user

How to use HPC-X module

Download HPC-X from
Uncompress hpcx-<version>.tar.gz
module use <path to hpcx>/modulefiles
module load hpcx

You may recompile openmpi using Intel compilers. HPC-X was compiled with GNU compilers by default.

  1. Check the bin files:

$ ls $HOME/.local/bin
gpaw  gpaw-analyse-basis  gpaw-basis  gpaw-plot-parallel-timings  gpaw-python  gpaw-runscript  gpaw-setup  gpaw-upfplot

Install dataset

tar xfp gpaw-setups-0.9.20000.tar.gz

Running GPAW

module load intel/2020u4
module load hpcx
//set the dataset path
export GPAW_SETUP_PATH=$PWD/gpaw-setups-0.9.20000
mpirun -np <# proc> $MPI_FLAGS $PWD/install/bin/gpaw-python <input>.py

Sample output

  ___ ___ ___ _ _ _
 |   |   |_  | | | |
 | | | | | . | | | |
 |__ |  _|___|_____|  21.1.0

Date:   Sat Feb 27 21:45:18 2021
Arch:   x86_64
Pid:    100932
Python: 3.6.8
gpaw:   /ISC21/gpaw-20.10.0/install-hpcx-2.7.0/lib/python3.6/site-packages/gpaw
_gpaw:  /ISC21/gpaw-20.10.0/install-hpcx-2.7.0/bin/
ase:    /ISC21/gpaw-20.10.0/install-hpcx-2.7.0/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ase (version 3.21.1)
numpy:  /scinet/niagara/software/2019b/opt/base/python/3.6.8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy (version 1.15.1)
scipy:  /scinet/niagara/software/2019b/opt/base/python/3.6.8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/scipy (version 1.1.0)
libxc:  4.3.4
units:  Angstrom and eV
cores: 320
OpenMP: False

Input parameters:
  eigensolver: {name: rmm-diis,
                niter: 3}
  h: 0.22
  kpts: [1 1 8]
  maxiter: 15
  mixer: {backend: pulay,
          beta: 0.1,
          method: separate,
          nmaxold: 5,
          weight: 100}
  nbands: -20
  occupations: {fixmagmom: False,
                name: fermi-dirac,
                width: 0.2}
  xc: PBE

System changes: positions, numbers, cell, pbc, initial_charges, initial_magmoms

Initialize ...


Timing:                              incl.     excl.
Hamiltonian:                        89.152     0.000   0.0% |
 Atomic:                             0.000     0.000   0.0% |
  XC Correction:                     0.000     0.000   0.0% |
 Calculate atomic Hamiltonians:      0.001     0.001   0.0% |
 Communicate:                        0.092     0.092   0.0% |
 Hartree integrate/restrict:         0.003     0.003   0.0% |
 Initialize Hamiltonian:             0.000     0.000   0.0% |
 Poisson:                           79.466     0.002   0.0% |
  Communicate from 1D:               5.253     5.253   2.1% ||
  Communicate from 2D:              33.278    33.278  13.0% |----|
  Communicate to 1D:                 6.447     6.447   2.5% ||
  Communicate to 2D:                34.416    34.416  13.5% |----|
  FFT 1D:                            0.008     0.008   0.0% |
  FFT 2D:                            0.063     0.063   0.0% |
 XC 3D grid:                         9.589     9.589   3.8% |-|
 vbar:                               0.001     0.001   0.0% |
SCF-cycle:                         146.913     1.021   0.4% |
Total:                                       255.165 100.0%

Memory usage: 580.22 MiB

Tasks and Submissions

Note: You will need to supply runs on both clusters Niagara and Aspire-1 (4 CPU nodes only).

Input Files

Can be download from this location:

Building and running GPAW

Build the code both on NCSS and Niagara. Run the provided input on one, two, and four nodes using pure MPI parallelization. The text output is in the file output_M_xxx.txt (xxx = number of MPI tasks). Input file has check for the correctness, so there is an error message if the results are wrong. Runtime should be less than 45 minutes with a single node.
Discuss the differences in performance and scalability in the two clusters. No modifications to the input file and source code are allowed.

Submit the output files to your shared folder in OneDrive.


Run the provided input in any of the clusters (it is recommended to use one node, running time should be max. few minutes). As a result you will obtain a file named elf_ribbon.cube which contains electron localization function of the simulated system. Make a visualization (picture or animation) of the electron localization function. See e.g.
for hints for visualizing .cube files.

Submit the figure or animation to your team's shared folder.


Use IPM profiler to profile the application over 4 node run.

Submit the profiler output as text or PDF file.

Performance tuning

Try to optimize the performance of the input in one of the clusters. Use the result in task 1 as baseline. You can try different compilers, compiler options, and high performance libraries. You can try also hybrid OpenMP / MPI parallelization with different number of OpenMP threads. You are allowed to modify parallelization options in (see,
and modify also the source code as long as the correctness check in the input passes. Any modifications to the source code have to be made available e.g. in github.

Bonus task: bug fix

The scalapack parallelization in GPAW fails with certain input:
Try to fix the bug and if successful make a merge request to GPAW's master branch.

Note that you need to build GPAW with Scalapack support for this task.

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