Secret Application for ISC22 - FALL3D

Secret Application for ISC22 - FALL3D

This page is an overview, configuration and tasks for ISC22 Student Cluster Competition teams.




FALL3D is a 3D model for atmospheric passive transport and deposition of particles, aerosols, and radionuclides. The model, originally developed for inert volcanic particles (tephra), has a track record of 50+ publications on different model applications and code validation, as well as an ever-growing community of users worldwide, including academia, private, research, and several institutions tasked with operational forecast of volcanic ash clouds.

Compiling FALL3D

# fall3d-8.1.2.tar.gz will be provided during competition. module load intel/2021.4 module load compiler/2021.4.0 module load mkl/2021.4.0 # Build netcdf and set include and lib paths ./configure -prefix=<install path> --enable-parallel make clean make -j 32 make install

Running FALL3D

A sample example is available under Example directory.

cd Example NPROC=160 mpirun -np $NPROC <MPI Flags> Fall3d.r8.x Example.inp 8 5 4 -nens 1 # Make sure the process grid matches with NPROC, i.e. 8 * 5 * 4 = 160


Tasks and Submissions

Input is related Mount St. Helens eruption, https://www.usgs.gov/media/videos/mount-st-helens-eruption-may-18-1980.


# Copy input from USB to a folder. NPROC=160 mpirun -np $NPROC <MPI Flags> Fall3d.r8.x fall3d helens.inp 8 5 4 # Make sure the process grid matches with NPROC, i.e. 8 * 5 * 4 = 160

Try different processor grids for better performance.

For debugging or quick testing, you can decrease the duration of simulation by changing the below parameter in helens.inp but make sure to use the original value for the submission.


Run the application with the original input and submit helens.inp and helens.Fall3d.log.