FluTAS for ISC23 SCC (Onsite)

FluTAS for ISC23 SCC (Onsite)



FluTAS (Fluid Transport Accelerated Solver) is an open-source code targeting multiphase fluid dynamics simulations. The key feature of FluTAS is the ability to efficiently run both on many-CPUs and many-GPUs in a single and unified framework.
This framework is also designed to be modular so that it can be extended in a sustainable manner.



Here are the introduction presentation:



Downloading and compiling FluTAS

  • Download the application:

git clone https://github.com/Multiphysics-Flow-Solvers/FluTAS.git

Sample build script:

cd FluTAS/src # Edit FC name and FFTW path in targets/target.generic-intel. # MPI=intelmpi-2021.7.0 MPI=hpcx/2.15.0 if [[ "$MPI" =~ ^intel ]]; then module load intel/2022.1.0 module load fftw/3.3.10-impi export I_MPI_F90=ifort elif [[ "$MPI" =~ ^openmpi ]]; then module load fftw/3.3.10-ompi export OMPI_MPIF90=ifort fi module load $(echo $MPI | sed -e "s/\-/\//") make ARCH=generic-intel APP=two_phase_ht DO_DBG=0 DO_POSTPROC=0

Running Example

Before you start, make sure to change the process grid in dns.in:

The example below will work with 256cores (16x16):

$cd FluTAS/examples/two_phase_ht/coarse_two_layer_rb $ grep dims dns.in 16 16 ! dims(1:2)




Task and submission

Use this input, two_layer_rb.

  1. Run the FluTAS using above input.

  2. Submission and Presentation:
    - Submit all the build scripts, run scripts and stdout/logs.
    - Do not submit the output binary data or the source code.