HowTo Run Slurm Batch Script from Allocated Cluster

HowTo Run Slurm Batch Script from Allocated Cluster

There are two options to run slurm sbatch script

1. Ask for the cluster upon request, just run 

$ sbatch slurm_script.sh

2. Reserve a cluster in advance. In case you do that, you will need to add the reservation name to the script 

For example, check the reservation name using scontrol:

$ scontrol show reservation
ReservationName=helios_ophirm_23246 StartTime=2018-12-18T12:00:00 EndTime=2019-12-18T12:00:00 Duration=365-00:00:00
   Nodes=helios[001-032] NodeCnt=32 CoreCnt=1280 Features=(null) PartitionName=helios Flags=IGNORE_JOBS,SPEC_NODES
   Users=ophirm Accounts=(null) Licenses=(null) State=ACTIVE BurstBuffer=(null) Watts=n/a

Add the line, with the reservation to the script.

#SBATCH --reservation=helios_ophirm_23246

And then run the sbatch command.

Another option, in case you are using salloc command, add --res=<reservation name>

$ salloc -N 4 -p helios --res=helios_ophirm_23246

Create a reservation example:

$ sudo scontrol create reservation duration=120 user=ophirm nodes=helios032 starttime=now     
Reservation created: ophirm_149

Delete a reservation:

$ sudo scontrol delete reservation=ophirm_149

For more info about create and cancel the reservations see here: https://slurm.schedmd.com/reservations.html

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